Friday, November 28, 2014

Let go and live

Sometimes it is hard to let go, lets admit we are only human.  In order to let go we have to get to the core of the problem, us.  The person that has done you wrong, are they worthy of being forgiven?  The answer is "Yes" than why can't we do so.  I feel that it is something within us that won't allow it.  Once we evaluated the issue and accepted that what the person or people have done no longer carries any weight, we can let it go.  I have dealt with many things in my life that I could not let go at first.  I realized that it blocked my blessings.  I myself hated the man that killed my best friend, not knowing the whole story.  When I learned the whole story, I had to let it go.  My kids hated me for a long time because, their mother brainwashed them into thinking I did not love them after the divorce.  I eventually had the opportunity to sit down with them and explain the real story; my wrongs her wrongs and really share my love with them.  My children and I have since then let the past go.  Life, despite what you may think is short.  Think about how many times you have said "I can not wait till I am grown."  Well also think about when you became grown, how many times you wish you could go back to before you were grown.  In order to not reach the stage where you wish you have to go back, learn how to let go now.  It does not have to always be about the other person, let go for you.  Clear your heart, free your spirit.   Going through life knowing you have forgiven as Jesus did and does, is a good feeling.  It is not easy at all; but when you do forgive it is a since of peace that will come over you.  I challenge you to find a person that has really done you wrong, and forgive them.  That does not mean be their friend.  That means whatever they did that no longer carries weight in your life, let it go.  Do not talk about it anymore, do not think of it anymore; just let it go.  If you can do this, message me and tell me what good has happen in your life after this challenge.  This is Rodney Larkins with Soul Filled Life "Let go and live."

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