For many years something that has been a passion of mine is the topic of race. If you have brown skin, and I have white skin we should not be friends or in a relationship. I often wondered how does any of this make sence. The only race is the human race. Many years have went by and things once seem to be going in the right direction. Now it seems after recent events of cops doing dumb things and people reacting in an even dumber way we have now been set back. I feel there is no reason for racism to exist. We are all people that should be able to coexist together. The problem is no one wants to play by the rules of life. Meaning if you steal you go to jail if you kill you go to jail etc.
This world is full of people that think they can do whatever they want with no repercussion. These rules were put in place to protect us from bad things. However some people think, oh the white man don't want me to come up, oh the white man is the reason I do not have a job. How about educate yourselves, pull up your pants and comb your hair. I am a black man that will never stop educating myself. I have dreads and still do not get categorized as a thug, why because I carry myself well. I have people all the time asking me how to change their lives, and most of them are white. I know racism happens everyday everywhere, but I feel black people make themselves a target. How can you rob a store, point a gun at a man that is suppose to protect the community (black or white) and not expect to get shot. At the end of the day if I am a cop and swore to protect, and you pointed a gun at me your going to die. The reason is if you feel you can point a gun at a cop and get away with it, you will feel you can do it to anyone.
For every cause, there is an effect. But it starts at home. People we have to teach our kids to respect authority. Black people we have to teach our children to respect others. I do not expect everyone to understand what I am trying to say because lets face it, a lot of black people are ghetto. But lets think about this, why do we not make education a main focus. There are a small percent of us that will talk the talk, but when lil bonequesha come home with a "C" we are quick to say oh that's ok at least you passed. What the hell. Let Billy come home with a "C" dad wants to kicks his teeth in.
The difference is black people, a lot of us think push your kids to play sports and your set. Other cultures know the value of knowledge. If you make a million but not know how to make it grow for you why have it. What I see happen all the time is people make it in football and in other things, and are broke in no time. That means they did not have enough knowledge to know how to make what they have grow, they just knew how to as we say in the black community (ball out). I want to see people especially black people, step out of the box. I want to see people do the right thing, make better choices. Remember if you want change, you have to change your household first. This is Rodney Larkins with Soul Filled Life Step outside of racism's box.
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