When you start to date a person, you should know within the first month rather or not you want to
spend the rest of your life with that person. The problem is people tend to have second thoughts
about what their gut is telling them. If your gut says run, it might be a good idea to do so. If you take this person around your family and they can not get along with anyone, that may be a sign. If this person tend to not take calls while around you, it may mean your not the only one. If the person really does not want to be seen in public with you, you may not be the only one. If you are with a person that has no true interest in the things you like that may not be the person for you.
If you are with a violent person they are definitely not for you. Do not short change yourself with being with the person that is not for you. Never settle for second best. You only have one life to live, find that one true love. How to find out if that person is for you? One of the big ways to find out is put it all on the table right away. If you want a big family say it up front, and if the person does not respond well do not waste your time. It is a known fact that if something goes wrong, you will be the one to blame because you knew that person really did not agree to children.
Do not allow yourself to fall in love with the wrong person. That is hard sometimes not to do, but follow the signs and you will be ok. If you just happen to end up with the person that is absolutely wrong for you, do not put your all into staying because that person will take advantage of you. It is hard to see your way out of a bad situation, I know I have been there. But you have to do what you can to make it out. Get counseling, talk to people that you can trust; such as a pastor of your church a friend. When you have fallen for that person yes it will be hard to walk away, but remember you will be ok. Life will continue to go on, if you let it.
Life is crazy sometime. You think when you find that special someone that life will be easy, wrong. Life gets more challenging because you have found that special love. If you have been together for a long time, but have never been through anything how do you know if and when an argument comes along you can withstand bad times. And if you are going through something, God do not tell facebook. Everyone that is on your page is not worthy of having your relationship business. You have to remember there are some people that would love to be in your shoes. Protect yourself as well as your heart. This is Rodney Larkins with Soul Filled Life, remember be careful who you trust your heart with.
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